The Change Agent

Innovation Consulting to the Legal Sector

Richard Tromans has worked in the legal sector for over 25 years, as a market analyst, strategy consultant, keynote speaker +

journalist. He created the Artificial Lawyer news and information site in 2016. He is based in the UK.


What consulting services does The Change Agent offer?

  • AI Profitability Theory - presentations on why AI and automation - if implemented carefully with the right economic model - will benefit lawyers, rather than create economic challenges for them.

  • Market Analysis - showing how the market is changing in relation to technology, especially with regard to AI; as well as new ways of working, such as ALSPs; and new service lines that law firms are providing clients, e.g. consulting services, digital services, and their own ALSPs.

  • Future Market Change Analysis - showing ‘best estimation’ analysis of where certain market trends are heading, tailored to your particular market focus.

  • Speaking and Keynotes - Richard Tromans has provided keynotes, as well as panel and event moderation, to law firms, government departments, legal innovation organisations, and law firm referral networks for many years, speaking in-person in the US, UK, Japan, Brazil, Germany and across Scandinavia.

Why ‘The Change Agent’ as a brand name?

  • While ‘Tromans Consulting’ is self-evident, it was time to really set out what the goal is, which is to help support change across the legal sector.

About Richard Tromans

Richard has worked as a strategy consultant, journalist and market analyst to the legal sector since 1999. He is also the Founder of Artificial Lawyer, the legal tech and innovation information site. He is based in London, UK. He can be reached at: